Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This is my garden...

I'm only posting this as I'm going to, as of tomorrow, be gone for 5 days. My partner and I are going out to Iowa to visit his mom and step-father. She's a knitter, too!! I hope to get a present for her knit up before or while we're there; it's from yarn she gave me! :) Anyhoo.. I hope my garden will still be this green and... alive when I get back. If not, I have this picture.


Chae said...

What all are you growing? I saw you have homegrown basil, did you grow it from seed?

eyeslikesugar said...

Hi! Yep! The leftmost big pot is all basil grown from seeds. The right most big pot has parsley on the left, and red peppers on the right! I have been self-pollinating and eating mini red peppers from it! On the very left is dying chives and catnip. On the right most windowsill is dying cilantro, flourishing onion and garlic. The hanging plants are spider plants. Everything I grew from seeds, except the spider plants; seeds are easier to come by then already growing plants. :)

Thanks for commenting, Chae!! <3

Chae said...

Awesome! I'm trying to grow basil from seed, it's only just started sprouting, but I picked up a couple seedlings from a plant sale for a buck a piece, along with some tomatoes. How are you self-pollinating the peppers? Do you use a paintbrush or q-tips?

eyeslikesugar said...

Q-tips; I have a jar sitting next to my plants. :)

Chae said...

Genius! I'm trying to grow some hot peppers to, and have been puzzling over how to pollinate.